Now I am not that fast, but I ain't slow either. I can run a marathon in 3 hours, which typically means I finish in the top 100 in most marathons. This means I run by myself for most of the race, maybe running with a few people once in a while. Even in larger races like New York or Chicago, I would still be pretty far up in the pack. But in Boston you are surrounded by thousands of people who are faster or just as fast as you (most people have to run a qualifying time to get into Boston). I mean I was beat by a guy dressed up as Miny Mouse.
Then a bomb explodes. And everything changes.
There was no bomb 3 years ago. I crossed the finish line, got my medal, found Josh (who beat me by 20 minutes or more), then find my wife and kid, and headed back to the hotel. It would have never crossed my mind that competing in a marathon would endanger my life and the life of my wife and kids.
But that is exactly what happened today. Today the greatest day of many peoples athletic lives was obliterated by someone who was full of hate. Today children died, people lost their legs, lives are forever changed.
Life is like this I guess. One day you are coming home from the Redsox game and boom everything is different. I have run every day (except the day I forgot) for 7 years and I have never taken a day of running for granted. On almost every run I have the thought "this could be it, the last one." I have been so lucky to have the opportunity to run every day.
Today I put on my Boston Marathon shirt and went for a run. About 10 minutes into the run the sky turned black and it hailed like hell. After surviving the hail, I stopped looked up and saw the most amazing rainbow. Within minutes the rainbow was gone and I ran home soaked to the bone. I got home, still sad and angry about what happened today, but still so grateful that I could run today, that I had the chance to have this amazing experience on my run today. Grateful that I was able to run the Boston Marathon and that the amazing city of Boston has a special place in my life. Grateful that I have my family and friends. Hopeful that I will be able to run again tomorrow. Hopeful that I will be back running the Boston Marathon soon.
Thanks again to everyone who has supported my fundraising efforts, especially Sterling and Serena who were very generous with their donation a couple of weeks ago.
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