This might surprise many of you, including my wife, but I really like poetry. However, as my poetry professor in college would attest (I received a D in my Studies in Poetry Class), I know nothing about poetry. I mean really, I don't get it. But I like it, mostly because I have such a short attention span. Poems are like sketches on Saturday Night Live. If you like one great, you can read it over and over. But if you hate it, it's over in a few minutes. Thank God! I don't read novels because that is way too much of a commitment for me.
Now before you think I am going to post a poem I wrote here, let me tell you that my poetry career ended when I wrote Naomi a poem soon after we met. I spent a few hours working on a poem for her and thought it was pretty darn good! I sat nervously waiting to see what she would say. After she finished reading it she just laughed, for a few minutes as I recall. It wasn't a Limerick. So I would say I appreciate poetry, I don't understand it and I can't write it. So below I have posted some poems about diabetes that I think will help you understand what it's like to suffer from this chronic disease, along with links if you are interested in reading more diabetic poetry!
'Another Diabetes Poem'
February 14th 2003, a day made for love
I was diagnosed with a bug
A bug that is permanently with me
When there is a cure, I will be free
From all of the injections, constant blood sugar checks
You can see the pain on my arms with all of the scars
This disease is locked away in my body behind bars
This disease tried to make me WEAK
But it only made me STRONGER
This disease is slowly killing me inside
I cannot set this disease aside
This disease is a pain in the backside
I wish it was gone on the wayside
But sadly it's my way of life
But if I stay healthy, I can live a long-life
Having diabetes is a living hell
A hell that no one wants to go through
I was diagnosed with a bug
A bug that is permanently with me
When there is a cure, I will be free
From all of the injections, constant blood sugar checks
You can see the pain on my arms with all of the scars
This disease is locked away in my body behind bars
This disease tried to make me WEAK
But it only made me STRONGER
This disease is slowly killing me inside
I cannot set this disease aside
This disease is a pain in the backside
I wish it was gone on the wayside
But sadly it's my way of life
But if I stay healthy, I can live a long-life
Having diabetes is a living hell
A hell that no one wants to go through
Nick Bell
Goodnight Diabetes
It’s time we go to sleep
It’s late and I’m exhausted
120 too
You behaved somewhat today
Now just make sure to do that tonight too!
I’m awfully tired
And could use some good rest
Will you sleep through the night?
Oh dear diabetes of mine,
I’ll sing you a lullaby
And sip some chamomile too
Now please shut the hell up
Or I may need to have a word with you!
Goodnight diabetes…
Mike Says: This one I really like because I love Lemon-aid
I thought roller coasters were supposed to be fun,
Until my blood sugar was four hundred and one.
So I did what my pump told me to do,
And now my blood sugar, well, it's forty-two!
So I break out the glucose-oh boy! Which flavor?
(Not like it's REALLY candy to savor).
Now I'm leveling off-woo hoo! What a ride!
And the feelings of panic start to subside.
It's a constant battle-that is FOR SURE!
It's not like you get a "Diabetes-Every-Second-of-Your-Life" brochure!
But someday soon, we'll all say "Remember When?"
As we burn all our glucose, test strips & insulin pens.
Until such a day, when we can end the "Diabetes Serenade",
Always Remember:
"When Life Gives You Lemons, Make SUGAR FREE Lemonade!"
- See more at: It On
by Mark Koekemoer, Type 1 diabetic for 8 1/2 years
From South Africa
A long time ago, but not too long to recall,
My eyes and balance were blurry, and I became more likely to fall.
My skin became dry, and I lost some pounds of weight,
Frequenting the loo as I started to dehydrate.
Then a prick from a doctor explained all of that,
My glucose was twenty and I'd have to adapt.
He said "Most diabetics live long so there's no need worry,
It's just a change in your lifestyle that will fix this story".
"Just a change" I expected a pill or simple remedy,
But never could I guess the extent of this therapy!
A diet, good exercise and injections galore,
Finger pricks and urine sticks, could there be any more?
I struggled at first, unsure of how to cope,
And completed the entire circle of denial, without hope.
Injections were my enemy, and finger pricks the devil.
But diabetes conquered the rebel, when it slammed me onto ground level.
I was a little naughty, actually "naughty" is quite tame,
But it left me feeling pretty bad and in a lot of pain,
When two drips finally re-hydrated me I had to make a move,
I headed for the hospital and was put in I.C.U.
"Near-death" was not the case, but a coma was quite real,
But I managed to pull through it, and far better I would feel.
I woke up then and there, splashed cold water in my face,
And told myself I'll never again let some ketones start that race.
Now it's been a couple of years since that day in 2001,
And diabetes is my roller coaster, but with a different kind of fun.
I lead a healthy lifestyle, and play a lot of sport,
A blood glucose of 5.6 is what is always sought.
I'm always watching what I eat, and counting out the carbs,
Then taking shots to keep my levels, on the "good score" cards.
Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't, but in the end what's true,
Is that every single situation, gives me a different clue.
Because blood glucose is affected, by just so many themes,
Sport and food and shots and tests are all the easiest it seems,
But then there's sickness and weather and stress,
Who knows just how much these factors will mess!
And every day is new, every day brings on its test,
A test we must confront, and conquer, and strive to do our best.
A test we must take notes in, and learn from every time,
So next time we'll try ace it so that later we'll feel fine.
Remember diabetes doesn't give up, it's with us all the time,
We cannot take a break from it, even if we're feeling fine.
But its taught me lots of little things, things that are unique,
Things that make me stronger as I grow through each and every week.
I know what food is good for me, and how much thereof to eat,
I've gained a wealth of self-discipline and self-control - that's neat.
I manage my own blood glucose - and that I must confess,
Is something so incredible - a biological miracle at best.
Finger tests are second nature, injections - bring them on,
I love my sport and I'm in good shape, better than most on the lawn.
I love to eat, and eat I do, and carb counting makes it easy,
A chocolate or an ice cream now will never again just tease me!
See it was change in lifestyle, but a change in mindset too,
Acceptance is the key here - a secret from me to you.
We cannot rest, we cannot fake it, it's never gonna go,
Diabetes is here to stay the long run, a truth that's useful to know.
So now I learn as much as possible, and listen and surf and read,
I've grabbed this chance to make an effort, a healthy life I'll lead.
Decide you either love it or hate it, but what ever choice you do,'
Remember that this choice you make will only be affecting you.
Diabetes is a mission, it needs a lot of training,
Each day and every moment makes this condition mega-straining,
But once you get the hang of it, and know some simple rules,
Diabetes is a challenge, teaching us health and life and values!
Thanks to Josh who has designed a professional 1/2 marathon training plan for me, free of charge. Josh I am going to start the plan next week! Now just because the federal government is going to slash it's spending (and ruin my research career), that doesn't mean you need to cut your spending. Please consider donating to my fundraising efforts to raise money for Diabetes Research. On Friday the federal government is going to cut the National Institutes of Health's budget by 8%. The NIH funds most of the diabetes research going on in the US, including many innovative studies that might lead to a cure. As an NIH-funded researcher myself, I can tell you that these budget cuts, which are on top of the 20% cuts most of us have seen to our grants in the last 2 years is a huge deal. It will end groundbreaking science. So if you dislike politicians as much as I do, then consider donating to private research by donating to JDRF. We have already raised $200 towards my goal of $5,000. Thanks again and have a great week!

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