Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Diabetes Poetry

This might surprise many of you, including my wife, but I really like poetry. However, as my poetry professor in college would attest (I received a D in my Studies in Poetry Class), I know nothing about poetry.  I mean really, I don't get it. But I like it, mostly because I have such a short attention span.  Poems are like sketches on Saturday Night Live.  If you like one great, you can read it over and over. But if you hate it, it's over in a few minutes.  Thank God! I don't read novels because that is way too much of a commitment for me. 

Now before you think I am going to post a poem I wrote here, let me tell you that my poetry career ended when I wrote Naomi a poem soon after we met. I spent a few hours working on a poem for her and thought it was pretty darn good!  I sat nervously waiting to see what she would say. After she finished reading it she just laughed, for a few minutes as I recall. It wasn't a Limerick. So I would say I appreciate poetry, I don't understand it and I can't write it.  So below I have posted some poems about diabetes that I think will help you understand what it's like to suffer from this chronic disease, along with links if you are interested in reading more diabetic poetry! 

'Another Diabetes Poem'

February 14th 2003, a day made for love
I was diagnosed with a bug
A bug that is permanently with me
When there is a cure, I will be free
From all of the injections, constant blood sugar checks
You can see the pain on my arms with all of the scars
This disease is locked away in my body behind bars
This disease tried to make me WEAK
But it only made me STRONGER
This disease is slowly killing me inside
I cannot set this disease aside
This disease is a pain in the backside
I wish it was gone on the wayside
But sadly it's my way of life
But if I stay healthy, I can live a long-life
Having diabetes is a living hell
A hell that no one wants to go through 

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